Real Estate Investor Google Ads Mistakes You Must Avoid

Real Estate Investors Google Ads
“We already tried real estate investor Google ads but didn’t get any results.”
“It didn’t work, it’s a complete waste of money.”
I’ve talked with countless real estate investors and wholesalers from around the country and 90% of them described a similar experience with Google Ads.
Is Real estate investors Google ads really that ineffective for getting more motivated seller leads?
Just last year (2018), Google’s made a staggering $116 billion dollars in revenue mostly generated from Google Ads.
AdWords would have to be the most elaborate scam in history to be pulling in numbers such as these.
Let’s look a bit further…
AdWords isn’t as simple as most people make it out to be.
There’s a 100+ ways a Google Ads campaign can fail.
We’ve been running Google Advertising campaigns now for over 12 years and we’ll be the first to tell you it’s both a highly lucrative and dangerous tool.
We’ve heard multiple stories of real estate investors and wholesalers burning 10s of thousands of dollars on ads with little to no return.
We all learn from mistakes but there’s no rule they have to be your own.
In the game of Google Ads, you pay for your mistakes with a credit card.
This isn’t to say you shouldn’t being using it to generate motivated seller leads.
Google Ads is a lead generation beast for real estate investors.
It’s equivalent to a Learjet.
It can instantly take your business from ground zero to 30,000 feet in the air.
Place 9/10 people in the cockpit of a jet and say to them, “start flying…”
This scenario isn’t going to end well.
A Leerjet is a high-powered machine that can fly over the competition and allow you to travel from point A to point B in a matter of hours rather than days.
But it needs an experienced pilot.
Someone who knows how to fly, someone who’s certified, someone who’s been in the air for thousands of hours.
Advertising on Google is no different.
The pilot needs to know AdWords like the back of their hand. Better yet, it helps when the pilot has navigated your exact space (real estate investing). Otherwise, a lot of money can be burned in the process with little to show for it.
Don’t worry, we got you covered and have reduced virtually all the risk in flying.
But what about those investors that make a killing with Google?
Well, there’s a lot that goes in to it; too much to cover in a single article.
But, you can learn a lot about what to do by looking at what not to do.
Successful players avoid these 3 common mistakes made by real estate investors using Google Ads.
Mistake #1: Sending traffic to a home page
What’s good for ranking your website isn’t always good for running ads.
Websites are filled with distractions; things to interact with, click, read, and watch.
It turns out, the more options you give people the less likely they are to choose the one you want; to reach out for a cash offer!
Instead of sending ad visitors to your homepage send them to a landing page.
You can think of a landing page as a written sales letter that sells your offer. It lists out some benefits, process information, handles objections, and then asks the visitor to reach out to you through phone or email.
There are no links or other pages to distract the visitor from the goal.
You may get 1-5% of them contacting you but we’ve built landing pages that get 20-50%!
That’s shitload more motivated seller leads without spending any extra money.
Reason #2: Ads that are easy to ignore
As mentioned earlier, Google makes most of their money from Google ads.
For this reason, they give preference to ads that generate a lot of clicks. The more people are clicking your ads the more money Google makes.
This is why it’s so important to write a good ad that sticks out.
Your ads should stick out from everything else on the page, have a powerful message, and entice people to click through to your website.
An effective ad talks about the benefits you offer and differentiates you from the competition.
The better your ads are, the more clicks you’ll get, and the more seller leads you’ll generate.
Mistake #3: Running the campaign themselves
We’re not saying you shouldn’t run Google Ads campaigns yourself but understand there is a downside to doing so.
You’ll just have to be comfortable knowing there’s a learning curve and you’ll likely spend a significant amount of money and time figuring it all out.
Every second dedicated to learning Google Ads steals your attention and resources away from closing deals.
You’re chances of succeeding with Google skyrockets when you hand the controls over to an experienced pilot.
Ideally, someone who has navigated the investor space before.
Everyday, for the past decade, we’ve dedicated long hours to building and improving Google Ads for real estate investors.
Interested in our Google AdWords for Real Estate Investors program?
Want to learn how we do it?
Want to get serious about your real estate investor marketing and take your business to the next level?
Click here to schedule a free 1-on-1 Seller Lead strategy session.
The strategy session is a 45 minute call where you and I will go over what is and isn’t working in your marketing campaigns.
At the end of the call, you’ll walk away with a proven strategy to generate a dozen plus new seller leads this month (at least)!
The strategy session is 100% free and there are no strings attached.
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